Question#1: (15)
We need to specify an abstract data type to represent music that can be sung by a single voice. In Keeping with standard musical terminology, we will call this ADT property, but in our simplified view of the world, a voice is basically just a sequence of notes & rests. The signature part along with informal specification of the algebraic specification for the ADT is given below:
1. Emptyvoice: Creates an empty voice that is a voice without any notes in it.
2. oneNote: Creates a voice made up of only one note
3. Concatenate :Creates a voice by concatenating two voices together
4. Is_empty :Checks if a voice is empty
5. firstNote :Returns the first note of voice.
Emptyvoice: => voice
oneNote: Note => voice
Concatenate: voice,voice => voice
Is_empty : voice => Boolean
firstNote : voice => Note
otherNotes: voice => Note
oneNote: Note => voice
Concatenate: voice,voice => voice
Is_empty : voice => Boolean
firstNote : voice => Note
otherNotes: voice => Note
Write Axioms to complete specification?
Specifying isEmpty is straightforward:
isEmpty (emptyVoice ()) = true
isEmpty (oneNote (n)) = false
isEmpty (concatenated (v1,v2)) = isEmpty (v1) & isEmpty (v2)
isEmpty (emptyVoice ()) = true
isEmpty (oneNote (n)) = false
isEmpty (concatenated (v1,v2)) = isEmpty (v1) & isEmpty (v2)
Specifying firstNote is just a bit more interesting:
firstNote (emptyVoice ()) = error
firstNote (oneNote (n)) = n
firstNote (concatenated (v1,v2)) =
firstNote (v2) if isEmpty(v1)
firstNote (v1) otherwise
firstNote (concatenated (v1,v2)) =
firstNote (v2) if isEmpty(v1)
firstNote (v1) otherwise
firstNote when applied to an empty voice. it should be an error.
otherNotes (oneNote (n)) = emptyVoice ()
otherNotes (concatenated (v1,v2)) =
otherNotes (v2) if isEmpty(v1)
concatenated (otherNotes (v1),v2) otherwise
otherNotes (concatenated (v1,v2)) =
otherNotes (v2) if isEmpty(v1)
concatenated (otherNotes (v1),v2) otherwise
firstNote (otherNotes
(concatenated (oneNote (n1), concatenated (oneNote (n2), oneNote (n3)))))
= firstNote (concatenated (otherNodes (oneNote (n1)), concatenated (oneNote (n2), oneNote (n3))))
= firstNote (concatenated (emptyVoice (), concatenated (oneNote (n2), oneNote (n3))))
= firstNote (concatenated (oneNote (n2), oneNote (n3)))
= firstNote (oneNote (n2))
= n2
= firstNote (concatenated (otherNodes (oneNote (n1)), concatenated (oneNote (n2), oneNote (n3))))
= firstNote (concatenated (emptyVoice (), concatenated (oneNote (n2), oneNote (n3))))
= firstNote (concatenated (oneNote (n2), oneNote (n3)))
= firstNote (oneNote (n2))
= n2
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